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Take Control With a Complete View of Flood Risk for Japan

Differentiate between modeled flood losses for typhoon-driven inland flood, typhoon-driven coastal flood, and non-typhoon flood using a single model reflecting the very latest view of risk.

Learning From Events

The model incorporates new insights from the significant typhoon and non-typhoon flood events within the last few years.

Wind and Flood Model Innovations

Many new innovations including 50,000-year simulated stochastic typhoon track set, new research on extratropical transitioning, and advanced ocean, storm surge, wave and defense modeling.

Local Market Calibration

Vulnerability function calibrated with over two trillion yen of claims data from 35 events spanning 20 years.

Japan Typhoon and Flood HD Model

Comprehensive view of all sources of flood risk incorporates the latest science and market insights.

Understand Non-Typhoon Flood

Account for losses from non-typhoon flood events, such as the 2018 West Japan Heavy Rain event, for a complete view of flood risk in Japan.

Advanced Vulnerability

Recalibrated vulnerability functions reflect local wind design code provisions and detailed insights from Moody's RMS field reconnaissance from 2018–19 typhoon events.

Increased Resolution

Geographical modeling resolution has been increased to provide modeled wind and flood hazard up to coordinate‑level resolution to aid explicit modeling of both perils.

Post-event Loss Amplification

Incorporates extensive research on observed post-event loss amplification (PLA) after other major global losses, together with specific local market knowledge of the latest changes following 2018 events.

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May 6-9 | Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth | Montréal, Canada
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