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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

Committed to live risk assessment

Building on a 20-year track record, the dedicated Moody's RMS Event Response team monitors real-time catastrophes daily to provide clients with information and products to assess the potential impact on their own portfolios.

24/7 live monitoring

The only catastrophe modeling firm to invest in around-the-clock operational support.

Custom event reconstructions

Benefit from real-time observations fed into the same engines that build our peril models, ensuring compatibility with the Moody's RMS view of risk.

Boots on the ground

Count on engineers deployed into the field to gather key insights and crucial information that are used to inform the highest quality depiction of real-time events.

What is possible? Real-time Event Response

When a catastrophic event such as a hurricane threatens to impact your book of business, communicating the likely magnitude of the event to key stakeholders and proactively managing claims becomes critical. However, getting the latest information on an event and how this impacts your exposure can be a challenge. Is it possible for a portfolio or exposure manager to get near-real-time information during a catastrophic event, so they can meet the decision-making and reporting needs of all their stakeholders?

Standard Event Response

Moody's RMS clients receive standard event response products and services with their model licenses through our client portal.

Event summaries

Get comprehensive summaries of event impact through a live dashboard of all major catastrophe events.

Accumulation information

Identify and manage exposure concentrations to live events before, during, and after they make impact.

Loss modeling

Quantify portfolio risk due to forecasted and live catastrophe events, including high-resolution hazard reconstructions. 

Special RMS reports

Access in-depth event insights through live webinars, industry loss reports, and reconnaissance reports.


Related products

Cyclone, Hurricane, and Typhoon
Cyclone, Hurricane, and Typhoon

Assess tropical cyclone risk to inform sound underwriting, portfolio management, and risk transfer decisions.

exposure iq

Proactively manage organization-wide risk concentrations and hot spots, access real-time risk analytics and event forecasting for rapid event response, and generate advanced portfolio insights, at scale.

risk modeler
Risk Modeler 2.0

Unlock insights and improve real-time decision-making with cloud risk modeling software.

Learn more

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