Tag: terrorism risk
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Terrorism Modeling 101
Acts of terror can result in wide ranges of potential damage and the financial repercussions can threaten an insurer’s solvency. Terrorism…
Western Jihadists and the Risk They Pose to Thei...
Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, foreign jihadists from across the globe have travelled to Syria to fight the Assad regime.…
Managing the Changing Landscape of Terrorism Risk
RMS has released an updated version of its Probabilistic Terrorism Model, which reflects the considerable changes in terrorism risk for Canada…
Dueling Agendas on TRIA
On Thursday, July 17, the Senate passed a reauthorization of TRIA, the Terrorism Risk and Insurance Act, extending the bill for seven years…
RMS and the FIFA World Cup: Insuring Against Ter...
As we reflect back on this year’s World Cup, which wrapped up without interruption after Germany’s victory on Sunday, it is clear that FIFA’s…