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Insurance Solutions
Formerly Moody’s RMS
Next time a flood strikes, will you have the data and tools at your disposal to identify locations affected and impacted across your portfolio? To accelerate your time insights, we have created a special, limited-time offer for ExposureIQ™.
With this offer, you’ll gain the real-time forecasting and analytics to:
This offer and proposal contains confidential and proprietary information of Risk Management Solutions, Inc. (RMS). You may use the information shared in this offer solely for the purposes of evaluating RMS’s technology, products, and services (“Permitted Purposes”). You may not disclose this information to any third party unless the third party (a) has a need to know for the Permitted Purposes and (b) agrees to comply with the restrictions contained in this paragraph. This offer is valid until November 30th, 2021 and subject to final approval from RMS.
Learn more about the limited-time offer.