Tag: flood insurance
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How Will the U.S. Flood Insurance Market Evolve ...
The U.S. flood insurance market is experiencing a notable transformation, influenced by various factors, from the increasing occurrence of…
Urbanization Under Pressure: Recent Flood Events...
During an average September, New York City (NYC) gets 4.3 inches (110 millimeters) of rain for the entire month. In just a few hours during…
From Record Heat to Record Rainfall: Tropical St...
California and the dry desert states of Arizona and Nevada are used to breaking temperature records. It was only in July that Phoenix,…
Four Influences on the FEMA 1 Percent Probabilit...
Where did the 1 percent probability flood line (100-year flood), the baseline metric for the U.S. flood insurance market, originate from? Why…
Introducing RMS Global Flood Solution Suite: Man...
The Global Flood Challenge: Coverage, Complexity, and Precision Whether you are a global (re)insurer or a local primary insurer, building a…
U.S. Flood: Why Is Flood Insurance Take-Up So Low?
Surveys suggest that 91 percent of American homeowners purchase insurance, but when it comes to flood risk the story could not be more…