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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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Make Faster, More Accurate Risk Decisions Across...
Chesley Williams
Chesley Williams November 16, 2021

As a catastrophe risk modeler, RMS® provides a range of modeling options that best accommodate our clients' needs. One focus area for clients…

Risk Modeler: Bringing You Closer to One View of...
Alisha Fazo
Alisha Fazo April 09, 2021

Analyzing recent insurance industry outlooks, such as the 2021 Insurance Outlook published by Deloitte just before the start of the year, a…

Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami: Ten Years of Afte...
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood April 07, 2021

The Japan Meteorological Agency recently called the M7.1 earthquake on February 13, 2021, an aftershock of the March 11, 2011, Mw9.0 Tohoku…

Democratizing Risk Data: How to Help Your Frontl...
Shaheen Razzaq , Jordan Byk
Shaheen Razzaq October 22, 2020

Underwriters are on the front line of insurance; they make the go/no-go decisions on whether new risks will arrive in the portfolio. Given the…

New Strategies Needed to Manage Mortgage Default...
Arnaud Castéran
Arnaud Castéran October 22, 2020

In the early hours of January 17, 1994, a Mw6.7 earthquake struck northwestern Los Angeles, causing 57 fatalities and up to US$40 billion of…

Climbing Out of "Lockdown": The Great Restart
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood April 08, 2020

Having successfully reduced human contact and viral transmission through shelter-at-home policies, governments at different stages in Europe,…

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