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Formerly Moody’s RMS

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How Does Southern Europe Weather the Storm?
Laurent Marescot
Laurent Marescot January 23, 2014

The 2013-14 European winter storm season has been pretty active so far. Early in the season, Windstorm Christian raced across northern Europe…

2013/2014 Winter Storm Season in Europe
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood January 15, 2014

This winter storm season has seen the most severe sequence of storms since 1990. Another windstorm to affect the U.K., Windstorm Christina,…

A Tale of Two Storms
Adrian Mark
Adrian Mark December 09, 2013

“Horror and confusion seized upon all, whether on shore or at sea: no pen can describe it; no tongue can express it; no thought conceive it…

Windfall or a Windy Fall?
Brian Owens
Brian Owens October 31, 2013

On my recent trip to Warsaw, the fall leaves were in full color – yellows and oranges lined the wide streets. Beautiful to look at but a…

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